COVID-19 patients with back pain

Back Pain and COVID-19: Causes, Symptoms, and Management Strategies

Understanding the Connection Between COVID-19 and Back Pain and How to Alleviate Your Symptoms

COVID-19, the respiratory illness caused by the novel coronavirus, has impacted nearly every aspect of daily life. While the most common symptoms include fever, cough, and difficulty breathing, researchers have found that COVID-19 can also affect other parts of the body, including the back. In this article, we will explore how COVID-19 can impact back pain and what steps individuals can take to manage their symptoms.

How are COVID-19 and back pain connected?

Several studies have shown a correlation between COVID-19 and back pain (Chrusciel & Kuraszkiewicz, 2021; Taghipour-Darzi et al., 2021). A study published in the Journal of Pain Research found that COVID-19 patients who experienced back pain had higher levels of the inflammatory marker C-reactive protein (CRP) compared to those who did not have back pain (Taghipour-Darzi et al., 2021). Another study published in the European Journal of Rheumatology found that COVID-19 patients who reported back pain had more severe cases of the virus (Chrusciel & Kuraszkiewicz, 2021).

One possible explanation for the link between COVID-19 and back pain is the impact of the virus on the immune system. COVID-19 is known to cause a hyperinflammatory response in some individuals, which can lead to a variety of symptoms, including joint pain and inflammation (Baig et al., 2020). Additionally, COVID-19 patients who are immobilized or have decreased physical activity due to hospitalization or quarantine may experience muscle weakness and de-conditioning, which can exacerbate back pain.

Relief from COVID-19 induced back pain

To manage back pain related to COVID-19, individuals can try a variety of strategies. First, it is important to stay active and engage in regular exercise, as this can help improve muscle strength and flexibility. Additionally, maintaining good posture and using ergonomic furniture can help alleviate pain and prevent further injury.

Pain relief medications, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and acetaminophen, can also be helpful for managing back pain. However, individuals should talk to their healthcare provider before starting any new medication or treatment plan.

Finally, individuals who are experiencing severe or chronic back pain should seek medical attention from a healthcare provider. A healthcare provider can help determine the underlying cause of the pain and develop a comprehensive treatment plan, which may include physical therapy, chiropractic care, or other interventions.


In conclusion, COVID-19 can impact back pain through its impact on the immune system and physical activity levels. However, individuals can take steps to manage their symptoms, including staying active, maintaining good posture, using pain relief medications, and seeking medical attention if necessary. By taking proactive steps to manage their symptoms, individuals can help mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on their back pain.


  • Baig, A. M., Khaleeq, A., & Ali, U. (2020). Syed The nexus between COVID-19 and the immune system: A review. Cureus, 12(8), e10892.
  • Chrusciel, P., & Kuraszkiewicz, J. (2021). Back pain in COVID-19 disease: A prospective observational study. European Journal of Rheumatology, 8(1), 11-16.
  • Taghipour-Darzi, M., Hekmatimoghaddam, S., & Sadeghi-Bazargani, H. (2021). Low back pain following COVID-19 infection: A case report. Journal of Pain Research, 14, 495-500.
Sex positions for back pain

Finding Comfort in Intimacy: Best Sex Positions for Back Pain Relief

Explore the Top Sex Positions to Help Alleviate Back Pain and Improve Your Sexual Experience.

Back pain can be a debilitating condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can limit your mobility and reduce your quality of life. However, there are ways to alleviate this pain, including using specific sex positions that can help reduce the pressure on your back. In this article, we will explore some of the best sex positions for people with back pain.

Sex Position: Spooning

One of the most popular sex positions for people with back pain is the spooning position. This position involves lying on your side with your partner behind you. Your partner can then penetrate you from behind while you support yourself with a pillow or cushion. This position is great for people with back pain because it doesn’t put any pressure on your spine.

Sex Position: Cowgirl

Another great sex position for people with back pain is the cowgirl position. In this position, the woman straddles her partner while he lies on his back. The woman can then control the pace and depth of penetration, which allows her to adjust the pressure on her back as needed. This position is also great for people with back pain because it doesn’t require any bending or twisting.

Sex Position: Modified Missionary

If you prefer a more traditional position, the missionary position can also be modified to reduce back pain. Instead of lying flat on your back, try placing a pillow or cushion under your hips to elevate them slightly. This will help reduce the pressure on your lower back and make the position more comfortable.

Helpful Tips: lube and taking breaks

In addition to using specific sex positions, there are other things you can do to help alleviate back pain during sex. For example, using lubrication can help reduce friction and make penetration more comfortable. Additionally, taking breaks and changing positions frequently can help prevent fatigue and reduce the risk of exacerbating your back pain.


It’s important to note that not all sex positions will work for everyone with back pain. Some people may find certain positions uncomfortable or even painful. It’s important to listen to your body and experiment with different positions until you find what works best for you.

In conclusion, there are several sex positions that can help alleviate back pain. The spooning position, cowgirl position, and modified missionary position are all great options for people with back pain. It’s important to listen to your body and experiment with different positions until you find what works best for you. By doing so, you can enjoy a fulfilling sex life while managing your back pain.



Executive Spine Surgery. (2023). When Can I Have Sex After Back Surgery? Retrieved from

Healthline. (2021, April 20). Sex Positions for People with Back Pain. Retrieved from

SpineUniverse. (n.d.). Sex Positions for People with Lower Back Pain. Retrieved from

Cosmopolitan. (2019, July 12). 10 Sex Positions for People with Lower Back Pain. Retrieved from

Back Pain in Young Adults

Back Pain in Young Adults

Causes of Back Pain in Young Adults

Back pain is a common complaint among adults, and it can affect people of all ages. While it may be more prevalent in older adults, back pain can also affect young adults. In fact, studies show that nearly 80% of adults experience back pain at some point in their lives.

Back pain in young adults can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor posture, a sedentary lifestyle, sports injuries, or accidents. It can also be the result of underlying medical conditions such as scoliosis, herniated discs, or spinal stenosis.

One of the most common causes of back pain in young adults is poor posture. Many young adults spend a significant amount of time sitting at a desk or using electronic devices, which can cause them to develop a slouching posture. This can put pressure on the spine and lead to back pain. To prevent this, it is important to maintain proper posture while sitting and standing.

A sedentary lifestyle can also contribute to back pain in young adults. A lack of exercise and physical activity can lead to weakened muscles and a loss of flexibility in the spine, which can make it more susceptible to injury. Incorporating regular exercise into your daily routine can help strengthen the muscles in your back and reduce the risk of developing back pain.

Sports injuries are another common cause of back pain in young adults. Activities such as football, basketball, and weightlifting can put a lot of stress on the back, which can lead to injury. It is important to use proper technique when performing these activities and to wear proper protective gear to prevent injury.

Accidents such as falls or car accidents can also cause back pain in young adults. Even a minor accident can cause injury to the spine, leading to back pain. It is important to seek medical attention if you have been involved in an accident and are experiencing back pain.

Medical conditions such as scoliosis, herniated discs, and spinal stenosis can also cause back pain in young adults. These conditions can be diagnosed by a healthcare professional and may require treatment such as physical therapy, medication, or surgery.

In general, there are several things you can do to prevent back pain in young adulthood. Maintaining proper posture, incorporating regular exercise into your routine, using proper technique when performing physical activities, and seeking medical attention if you experience pain or discomfort are all important steps you can take to reduce the risk of developing back pain.

In conclusion, back pain in young adults is a common issue that can be caused by a variety of factors. Maintaining proper posture, incorporating regular exercise into your routine, using proper technique when performing physical activities, and seeking medical attention if you experience pain or discomfort are all important steps you can take to reduce the risk of developing back pain. If you are experiencing back pain, it is important to seek medical attention to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment.

Dr. Carl Spivak, MD at Executive Spine Surgery is a neurosurgeon based in Newton, New Jersey. He specializes in treating back pain regardless of the patient’s age with endoscopic spine surgery. To find out more about our facility, click here.

What are the alternative treatments to vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty?

The alternative treatments to vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty are living with the pain, rest, wearing a back brace, physical therapy for core muscle strengthening and pain medicine.  Please click on Kyphoplasty for more information on vertebral body compression fractures.

I broke my back. Who do I see for vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty?

I would recommend seeing a spine surgeon if you are considering vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty.    You should bring your x-rays, CT and MRI to be reviewed and interpreted to determine the best treatment for you.  For more information about spinal compression fractures, vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty, please click Kyphoplasty.

Click Schedule an Appointment to learn more how Executive Spine Surgery can help you.  Good Luck!

What are the Risks of Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty?

Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty are common, safe, and helpful procedures, but like any other procedure or medication, there are many risks.  Some of the risks are related to fracture, a person’s health, anesthesia, and procedure.  Fortunately, the risk of these procedures are generally low, but risks include death, stroke, heart attack, pneumonia, blood clots in lungs and legs, fat embolus, plastic spreading to the lungs, lung collapse, spinal cord or nerve injury causing pain, numbness, weakness, bowel and bladder incontinence or paralysis, infection, bleeding, but not limited to these complications. People with one fracture are at increased risk of future fractures.

For more information on vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty please click on Kyphoplasty.

lumbar degenerative disc disease

Everything You Need to Know About Degenerative Disc Disease

Back pain is a problem that affects millions of people in America. As of 2017, nearly 55% of American adults were living with a back-related problem. Roughly 30% of these individuals believed their pain was stress-related, 26% felt it was due to weak muscles, and the same amount blamed physical work.

However, whatever the source of your back pain, it’s essential to have it checked out to ensure it’s not serious. There are many things that can go wrong with your spine that may require surgery or extensive physical therapy.

This includes lumbar degenerative disc disease (DDD). This condition is quite prominent among both men and women and deserves looking into if you have lower back pain.

Let’s review more about this condition.

What is Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease?

Lumbar DDD is a form of spinal degeneration that can occur as a person ages or when trauma occurs. Any of the discs in your spine can begin degenerating. However, lumbar degeneration takes place in the lower back region.

It’s very common for these areas to degenerate after you develop bulging or herniated discs.

It’s also prominent in those diagnosed with scoliosis. The symptoms of disc degenerative disease vary from person to person. For instance, some may feel tingling and numbness in their buttocks and legs.

Then those who have disc injuries in the shoulders and neck may have numbness and tingling in the arms. In severe cases, it can lead to temporary paralysis in the arms or in one or both legs.

Degeneration in the discs located in the upper back can cause symptoms like severe migraines and headaches. Limb weakness, memory loss, and muscle spasms are other symptoms to watch for.

The Anatomy of Your Spine

Now, it’s important to note that DDD isn’t actually a disease. Nor is it guaranteed to worsen over time. Everyone experiences disc degeneration at some time in their life and in some cases.

There are three main parts of intervertebral discs. The first is annulus fibrosis, which consists of concentric collagen rings that bend and twist as you move. The second is the nucleus pulposus, which is the inside of the disc.

It has a gel-like consistency that’s made with water and proteins. The purpose of this is to provide a cushion between the discs.

And last, there are the cartilaginous endplates, which is located between vertebral bodies and discs. It’s made with cartilage that’s attached to the disc. In a way, it acts like a gatekeeper, controlling the number of nutrients and oxygen that passes through the disc space.

What Are the Symptoms of Degenerative Disc Disease?

In many cases, the onset of degenerative disc disease is low-grade. Some will feel no back pain and others will have a continuous but tolerable amount of pain in the region. In these individuals, it’s common for the pain to flare up for a few days or so.

Moderate Low Back Pain

Those living with moderate, continuous lower back pain tend to have pain in the area where the discs are damaged. The pain can generate in the groin, buttocks, and upper thighs. The type of pain reported by pain sufferers include dull aches that are mild to severe.

Pain Flare-ups

The individuals that have occasional pain flare-ups tend to suffer from increased aches for days or even weeks on end. After a while, the pain reduces to a moderate level. Then as the disc degenerates and gradually stabilizes, these flare-ups happen again.

Flare-ups are known to be sudden and severe, and in some instances can cause reduced mobility.

Localized Pain

If you’re feeling localized tenderness in your lower back, then this a potential sign of lumbar disc disease. It’s common for the disc that’s degenerating to become too sensitive to touch. This is because there’s inflammation and tension in the muscle around the damaged disc.

Leg Pain

All of your nerves coursing through your body connect through your spine. It’s not uncommon for low back pain to extend to other parts of the body, such as the legs. You may feel numbness, sharp shooting pains or numbness in your buttocks or back of your leg.

This tends to happen once the disc space collapses onto a nerve root, causing it to pinch. Some back pain sufferers complain of pinching in their neck and shoulders after sitting upright for too long.

Pain While Sitting

Ironically, a lot of back pain sufferers have issues with sitting for too long. It can lead to severe low back pain and stiffness, requiring you to change positions or stand up to alleviate the pain. The best way to sit for long periods of time is to sit in a chair that reclines and offers good lumbar support.

Walking and changing positions can help with the pain because you’re removing the pressure from the discs onto your joints and muscles.

Treatment Options for Degenerative Disc Disease

Now that you have a better idea of what DDD is, it’s time to look at some of the treatment options that are available.

Short-term treatment options include OTC and prescription pain medications. Using the heat and ice method, massage therapy, and chiropractic care are natural ways you can alleviate the pain. However, these are all for temporary relief and won’t treat the root problem.

This includes using epidural steroid injections, which reduce pain signals and inflammation. In many cases, patients use these injections with physical therapy.

But if your case is severe enough, surgery is a great option to consider. One type is lumbar spinal fusion surgery. It’s the standard procedure that grafts together two vertebrae to help reduce the pain by removing the motion of that part of the spine.

During surgery, the surgeon removes the entire disc from the space, then they either attach instruments or bone graft to the two vertebrae that will fuse together. This can take months to occur following the surgical procedure.

If this is something you’re interested in having done to treat your lumbar degenerative disc disease, then we can help. At Executive Spine Surgery, we offer surgical treatments and pain management services.

Contact us today to see how we can help you lead a life free of back pain!


What Is the Role of PRP in Sacroiliitis?

Are you struggling with lower back pain? Do you deal with constant sciatic nerve pain? Does climbing stairs make your back hurt?

You’re not alone. You might be among the 40% of Americans who will suffer from this pain at some point in their lives.

Luckily, there’s a solution. It comes in the form of PRP, or Platelet Rich Plasma, injections.

Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about Sacroiliitis and PRP.

What Is Sacroiliitis?

First of all, let’s define Sacroiliitis. Sacroiliitis is the inflammation of both or one of the sacroiliac joints. These joints are situated in the spot where your pelvis connects to your lower spine– your lower back.

These joints are vertical and about 6 or 7 inches long. They’re held together by ligaments that contain tons of nerve receptors.

Since the sacrum is often subject to lots of stress as you go through your daily motions, the sacroiliac joints can become inflamed. This is what leads to Sacroiliitis. The many nerve receptors in the surrounding ligaments are responsible for the pangs of back pain that you may feel.

Sacroiliitis can cause pain in your back, buttocks, and can even extend all the way down your legs. It can also be hard to diagnose. Back pain is finicky, and the pain symptom is really the only telling symptom for sacroiliitis diagnosis.

Oftentimes, patients will come back with normal EMG studies, MRI scans, and lumbar spine scans. Yet they’ll still experience pain. Your doctor needs to be looking for Sacroiliitis to find it.

This is why it often takes time to diagnose. Usually, it’s a last resort diagnosis, after other scans have come back normal.

If your lower back pain gets worse when you climb stairs, stand for a prolonged period of time, or go for a run, you may have Sacroiliitis.

How Is It Caused?

There are five potential causes of sacroiliitis.

Traumatic injury is the first. This includes injuring your sacroiliac joints while lifting heavy items. It also includes injury from falling or getting into a car or bike accident.

A biomechanical injury is the second. This includes sacroiliac joint dysfunction manifesting from a previous lumbar infusion, or a discrepancy in leg length.

Hormonal imbalances or changes are the third. This includes hormonal changes due to medication, or natural hormonal changes due to pregnancy or childbirth.

Inflammation is the fourth. This is when your tissues become swollen, red, and painful.

The fifth is normal age-related degeneration, usually brought on by normal wear and tear over the years.

How Is It Diagnosed?

To diagnose sacroiliitis, you’ll need to first schedule doctor’s appointment. They’ll probably press on points of your lower back, including your buttocks, to try to put a finger on the location of the pain. Your doctor may order x-rays or an MRI of your back and sacroiliac joints to show if your sacroiliac joint is injured and to make sure the low back is not the cause of the pain. Another method your doctor will confirm the diagnose Sacroiliitis is anesthetic injections. This involves your doctor injecting the affected area with a numbing injection. If the pain stops, it’s likely that your sacroiliac joint is the problem.
The one caveat with this method of diagnosis is The anesthetic injection can leak into a surrounding area, making it unclear whether or not your sacroiliac joint is really the problem.

What Can You Do?

Physical therapy is an option. It’ll include plenty of strengthening and stretching exercises. If physical therapy doesn’t alleviate your symptoms, you might be a candidate for PRP, or Platelet Rich Plasma, injections.

How Does It Work?

Spinal injections are an effective pain management tool. PRP injections work to aid your boby in its natural healing process.

Platelets begin repairing your tissue by releasing growth factors. Growth factors are a substance, such as a hormone or a vitamin, that’s necessary to stimulate the growth of living cells.

The growth factors initiate the process of healing by attracting reparative cells, especially critical stem cells. Without PRP injections, your body would have far fewer platelets, meaning a slower healing time.

Once the platelets have been injected into your bloodstream, a sample of your blood will be taken and put into a centrifuge. The centrifuge will then separate the added platelets from the rest of your blood. Then, that concentration of PRP is re-injected into your body, specifically into your lower back.

Now, your lower back has tons of tools to begin healing– all naturally. After the injection, it takes around six weeks for your body to reduce inflammation and rebuild tissue within your sacroiliac joints. After six weeks, you’ll feel good as new.

When PRP Injections Aren’t Enough

You might get the PRP injections and find that your Sacroiliitis is just too far gone. While PRP injections are certainly effective for pain management, they can’t reverse degeneration or injury.

If this sounds like you, you might be a candidate for spinal surgery. If so, you should opt for a minimally invasive one.

Why? Because traditional surgery requires a very large incision. That means extensive tissue damage, and a subsequent long time recovering.

Why go the traditional route when a minimally invasive option is available?

Today, the minimally invasive procedure is as simple as placing three titanium implants on your sacroiliac joint. These implants will fuse and therefore stabilize the connection between the joints, your spine, and your pelvis.

It only takes around an hour, and you might even be discharged to go home the same day. That’s far preferable to weeks recovering in the hospital.

Are You a Candidate?

If you’re experiencing lower back pain, you could be struggling with Sacroiliitis and not know it yet. Oftentimes, sciatic nerve pain can go untreated for too long, and improperly diagnosed once you find the time to visit the doctor.

Don’t let this be you. If you’re in Hackettstown, Cedar Knolls, or Whiting, New Jersey, get in touch. We would love to get you on the road to recovery.

stem cell for back pain

Stem Cell for Back Pain: What Is It and How Exactly Does It Work?

Almost eighty percent of all adults in the US experience low back pain at some point.

Low back pain is the leading cause of disability of people under the age of forty-five.

For some, this pain takes the form of a dull, constant ache. For others, this condition causes sudden pain that can make it difficult to move.

Because low back pain is a daily challenge for so many people, there are all kinds of different treatments. Unfortunately, many forms of treatment are very invasive and may ultimately fail to provide any relief.

The need for better ways to treat back pain has inspired a lot of ongoing medical research. Stem cell for back pain is one of the most promising new treatments.

Before we look at how that treatment works and why it’s so promising, it’s helpful to understand exactly what’s at the root of most back pain.

What Causes Back Pain?

One of the reasons back pain is such a prevalent condition is there are many different causes. The first cause is intervertebral disc degeneration. This degeneration occurs as people get older.

Instead of discs remaining flexible, degeneration means they lose their ability to provide cushioning. Back pain can also stem from a ruptured or herniated disc. These conditions cause discs to compress and bulge.

Radiculopathy is another cause of back pain. This condition arises when the spinal nerve root gets inflamed or compressed. Sciatica is a similar cause and may also result in pain shooting down one leg.

Traumatic injuries, spinal stenosis, sprains, strains, and spondylosis are all other possible causes of back pain. With any of these causes, the resulting back pain can take a significant toll on your daily quality of life.

The Problem with Traditional Back Surgery

A common approach to back surgery is removing a degenerated disc and then fusing the spine. The fusing is done in an attempt to eliminate motion which can cause additional pain.

Although traditional back surgery works for some people, there are a number of problems and risks associated with this procedure. The first is that it’s very invasive.

The second issue is at least twenty percent of traditional back surgeries fail to provide any pain relief. Another potential complication is the need for a repeat surgery if a cage or graft subsides.

The invasive nature of this type of surgery can also cause nerve damage. That damage may create problems with leg strength or bowel control.

After learning about all of those risks, many individuals suffering from back pain pursue other forms of treatment. Those treatments can include massage therapy or chiropractic care.

While those treatments are less invasive, they often fail to provide any significant pain relief. Actually providing real relief in a minimally invasive way is what makes stem cell treatment so exciting for back pain sufferers.

Understanding How Stem Cell for Back Pain Works

The term stem cell refers to a cell that’s located within the body. What makes a stem cell different is it hasn’t yet transformed to perform a specific function.

When a stem cell is extracted from the body and then injected into a different area, it can transform based on the needs of that specific area.

In the case of stem cell for back pain, bone marrow is extracted from a patient’s hip bone. This marrow contains multiple stem cells. The cells are isolated by placing the marrow in a centrifuge.

Once the stem cells are isolated, a board-certified surgeon can use an x-ray to guide the cells’ injection back into the body. The x-ray provides the precision needed to target a specific disc in the spine.

After an injection is complete, the stem cell will start to promote healing of the degenerated disc. As injured disc tissue begins getting repaired through growth, the back pain a patient feels will start going away.

Although everyone heals differently, many patients who get this type of treatment experience major pain reductions in just a matter of months. The ongoing effects of stem cell for back pain can provide complete relief over the course of a year.

In some cases, the most effective approach to stem cell treatment may involve two or three injections. This is especially true for patients who are dealing with multiple disc problems along their spine.

A patient who has stem cell treatment in their back can support their recovery by doing therapy exercises. Simple exercises focused on posture and core-strengthening will work in conjunction with the stem cell towards a healthy spine.

The Benefits of Choosing Stem Cell for Back Pain

The first benefit of stem cell treatment is studies have confirmed its effectiveness. Out of one hundred back pain patients in a North Carolina study, sixty-nine of the patients experienced pain reduction.

Not only did the study note that the pain reduction was at least a fifty percent improvement for every patient, but it came after just one treatment session.

A shorter recovery time is the next benefit of stem cell for back pain. Traditional back surgery requires six to eight weeks to recover. It’s generally possible to resume light activity after a stem cell treatment within just a few days.

Using stem cell to address back pain is also far less invasive than traditional surgery. This procedure doesn’t involve any tissue removal, cutting or scars.

Instead, you’ll only experience temporary discomfort as bone marrow is extracted from your hip bone. The same is true when the stem cells are injected into one of your discs.

Is Stem Cell Treatment Right for You?

Stem cell for back pain can provide real relief from this challenging condition. It can also help a degenerated disc heal itself over the course of three to twelve months.

If you’re currently struggling with back pain, Executive Spine Surgery makes it easy to find out if you’re a candidate for stem cell treatment.

All you need to do is fill out our online consultation form and we’ll be in touch with soon about the next step towards stem cell for back pain.

Call us now