What is a Kyphoplasty? What YOU need to know about this minimally invasive treatment

What is a kyphoplasty and what does it treat?

A Kyphoplasty is a procedure that treats spinal compression fractures. The bones in the spine become weak, crumble, and deteriorate from excess pressure on the spine.

Kyphoplasty procedures utilize a technique called minimally invasive spine surgery. Traditional spinal surgery is notorious for its long and painful recovery time. For many patients with vertebral compression fractures, kyphoplasty is a more manageable alternative.


Benefits compared to traditional back surgery


  • Short recovery time
  • Less pain and complications
  • 30-60 minute procedure
  • Use of local anesthesia instead of general anesthesia
  • Minimal scarring from 2 inch incision
  • You can go home the same day after the procedure

Traditional Back Surgery

  • Long, painful recovery time ranging from weeks to months
  • Various potential complications
  • These surgeries take hours to perform
  • Done under general anesthesia, which requires a breathing tube and other measures
  • Major scarring on the procedure site
  • You have to stay inpatient at a hospital for days

What can I Expect after my Kyphoplasty procedure?

"How long will my recovery take after getting a kyphoplasty?" is one of the most common questions about spinal surgery. While you will have some minor pain in the surgery area at first, you can expect to start feeling better within two days.

Your timeline for returning to work and daily activities will depend on your job and healing rate. After surgery, your surgeon will provide detailed instructions about your recovery period.

Am I a candidate for a Kyphoplasty?

This all depends on your specific type of compression fracture. The only way to know is if you visit a spinal surgeon so you can get x-rays done.

Not everyone with a compression fracture knows that this is the cause of their pain. If you have back pain, it's important to see a doctor for a diagnosis before trying to seek treatment.

Will health insurance cover my Kyphoplasty?

In many cases, health insurance covers kyphoplasty. They need to recognize that it is medically necessary, depending on your documentation like x-rays and the surgeon's assessment.

What's the next step?

If you have a vertebra with a compression fracture, kyphoplasty may be the best option. To find out, contact Dr. Carl Spivak for a consultation. He'll be able to determine if you're a candidate for kyphoplasty or if another form of treatment will work better.

If you have unidentified back pain, you can also schedule an appointment with Dr. Spivak. He can discuss your symptoms and guide you through the tests to accurately diagnose your condition and determine your treatment options.

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