Do I need rehab after spinal fusion?

Spinal fusion surgery is the joining one spinal vertebrae to another.  This is usually done by placing bone in between the vertebrae and then connecting the vertebrae together with screws and rods, hooks, wires or clamps.

Even though spinal fusion surgery can be painful and initially limit activity, the main reason for rehabilitation after surgery is general weakness and reconditioning.  Severe back pain may lead to decreased level of functioning and de-conditioning.   Rehab also helps people to manage with activities of daily living (eating, preparing food, bathing, dressing, cleaning, etc), proper usage of assistive devices such as canes, walkers, wheelchairs and usage of spinal braces.  Sometimes back braces can be tricky to take off and put on, especially for people who have weakness or arthritis in there hands.  Rehab is also more common with big surgeries.

The amount of rehab depends on general health, functional ability, severity of the disease, the type of surgery done and the number levels fused. Rehab can vary from none to inpatient. People who need rehab usual need outpatient physical therapy 2 to 3 times per week. Elderly patients may require in patient for many days to weeks depending on their physical condition and the level of support they have at home.

Please see Spinal Fusion and Options for more information.

To set up a consultation please call 908-452-5612 or schedule-an-appointment online.

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